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    The power of collaboration

    At L-mobi we want to give our service more meaning. Together with you we want to build a real “community”. therefore we are happy to embrace and support community events and festivals in your neighbourhood.

    Community events contribute to our brand values: Affordable, Reliable and Accessible #foreveryone.

    Corona touches us all, but it also brings us creativity and new initiatives. It is important that the community stays connected to each other. Can you support us? So that our agenda is filled with creative and inspiring events. We would like to support partners and events to bring different communities together.

    Collaboration is important for successful innovation. We can learn from that. L-mobi, is always looking for partnerships with other companies. We believe that an innovative network ensures growth, acceleration and innovation.

    Please contact us if you would like to organize an event or activity so that we can support, sponsor or attend your event.